Web Developer | UI Designer | Graphic Artist


Some of my work. Select an image for a more detailed description of the piece.

A Little About Me

My name is Daniel, and I am a Web Developer and UI Designer living in Ohio. I have worked as an in-house professional for over twelve years. During that time I have worked on projects ranging from UI/Web Design/Development, 3D Graphics, and 2D Graphic Design. Most recently I have utilized HTML, CSS, and Javascript (ReactJS) to develop training courseware, web applications, and webpage content. In addition to my full time work, I have had the opportunity to work on several branding projects, which consisted of logos, webpages, and supporting branding materials. I hold a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Animation from Full Sail University and three Technical Certificates in Graphic Design and Interactive/Multimedia/Web Design from Valencia College. Most recently, I have completed the UCF full stack developer coding bootcamp and have been working as a Web Developer/Designer in my current position for over four years.

Disclaimer: This website is currently in tranistion. Please check back for a redesigned experience.


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Contact Me

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